Just a little post to get me going. Have been discovering things about myself that are disturbing. Will let you know in time. It’s distracting me a little but I have challenged myself to stick with it. To not run anymore but to do what I have set out to do. And what is important to me. Blogging is.

So this starting post will answer today’s #whatif and #SoCS prompt.

There are sayings that are the same in English and in German. Having a green finger is one of them. Lately, I have been thinking a lot about language and the two languages I speak. I am re-learning my third which is French and would like to do a couple more, but so many languages so little time.

But maybe that’s just an excuse. Have been thinking a lot about my excuses. Or maybe they are core beliefs. Some of my favourites are “I am not good enough!” “It’s too much” “Not enough time”.

I get green with envy when I see people just achieving so much. Being green with envy is another one that’s the same in both languages*. I like green. I like plants. But I am not always good at caring for them. Not good with caring for anything or anyone. But at the same time, I care for people. Even those I have never met. When I read or hear something they struggle with I just want to encourage them to go on. To tell them that they can do it.

Maybe its because I haven’t had that enough when I was young. I am moaning again. I wish I could stop moaning and just be funny and make a joke and entertain. I wish I could just let the self-absorbance go. There are more important things in this life than my pain.

Or maybe there aren’t. Have read a lot of posts about self-care and starting to respecting oneself. Seems important. And impossible. But why? Am I not running with the wolves anymore?

No. Have been for a couple of nights last week. A feeling of freedom. Just running and running and running. But I have run all of my life. Well, not physically. Maybe I should start that. Many say walking and running are good to allow change and for your mental health. But I stop and start, stop and start with anything I do. It’s like a curse. Do curses have a colour? If so it’s possibly not green!

* might be that I am wrong here. I think in German you are yellow with envy….


A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.

Doug Larson


Resource: Wise Old Sayings


Fellow bloggers offering the #whatif and #SoCS prompt:

Life in Progress: #SoCS 17/18 March 2018

What if we all cared: #whatif 17.3.18